Which external wallets are supported by Sorare?

In this article you will find the different desktop and mobile wallets supported by Sorare as well as which browsers and operating systems they can be used on. 

Desktop wallets

Name Homepage Supported? Supported browsers
Metamask https://metamask.io/download/  Fully supported 
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Opera
Coinbase Wallet https://www.coinbase.com/wallet/downloads  Fully supported 
  • Chrome
Opera (Crypto) https://www.opera.com/fr/crypto/next  Fully supported   
Wallet Connect https://walletconnect.com/    N/A
Portis https://www.portis.io/  Fully supported 
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Opera 
  • Safari 

     Mobile wallets

Name Homepage Supported Supported Operating Systems 
Metamask https://metamask.io/download/  Fully supported
  • iOS 
  • Android 
Coinbase Wallet https://www.coinbase.com/wallet/downloads  Fully supported 
  • iOS 
  • Android 
Opera https://www.opera.com/fr/crypto/next  Partially supported 
  • iOS 
Portis https://www.portis.io/  Fully supported 
  • iOS
  • Android

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