What rewards or prizes can I win in Sorare Football?

To win rewards in Sorare Football, you need to place highly on the leaderboard. Read more about Sorare scoring.

Different divisions of Sorare competitions offer different rewards.

There are three (3) types of rewards. 

  • Sorare cards
  • ETH or Cash
  • Special items like signed football jerseys, Sorare merch, or once-in-a-lifetime in-person experience

Sorare rewards are announced and updated regularly. The amount of available rewards fluctuates and depends on the number of real-life football games scheduled and the number of Sorare cards in circulation playing for that particular Game Week.

You have to have a Sorare account and be logged in to see the prize pools, but you can check out the current prize pools by going onto the Play tab.

If you choose a specific competition, click on the circle dot or number under Rewards, and click on a specific Tier, you can learn more about the specific rewards available. 

Please note: Prize pools may be changed up to 48 hours before a Game Week starts. After that time, prize pools are locked.

* In certain circumstances, Sorare reserves the right to modify the reward pools. These modifications are made in exceptional cases and will be accompanied by an official announcement that is shared with all individuals who are impacted by the changes

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