Sorare: MLB Training Update

Sorare: MLB Training Update

Sorare Team
10. Mai 2024 · 3 min read

What You need to know

  • Revamped Training System:
    • Starting in Game Week 16, Managers will  be limited to three training lineups per Game Week. Cards in those lineups will receive double XP.
    • Cards not in a lineup will now passively gain 75 XP each Game Week.
    • Managers can redeem Coins for up to five extra Training Lineup slots in the Club Shop
  • Updated Coins Reward Structure:
    • Coin rewards are being reintroduced for Classic competitions
    • Managers will receive 100 coins for each Classic competition participated in from Game Week 1 to 15

Our recent infrastructure changes have allowed us to implement a more comprehensive approach to aligning training initiatives across our products. It’s been quite the endeavor, and we truly appreciate the patience and invaluable feedback from our community as we implemented these major quality-of-life improvements.

Our aim is to reintroduce the joy of strategy and lineup management into each Game Week. Inspired by the strategies employed in our football product, we’re introducing a new training methodology that promises to enhance the fun and excitement of the Sorare experience. Here’s what you can expect:

Revamped Training System

Starting with Game Week 16’s open on May 17, we will cap the number of Training lineups Managers can submit to three (3). Each of these 3 teams will gain double XP for the cards included in the lineup. Any cards not featured in any lineups during that Game Week will passively accumulate +75 XP.

For Managers seeking additional Training lineup beyond the allotted three, you’ll find the option to redeem coins for an additional Training lineup from the Club Shop. Each additional Training team will come at an incremental cost, with a maximum of five additional lineups available. Here is the cost of each additional Training lineup:

1st Training Expansion: 2,000 Coins

2nd Training Expansion: 5,000 Coins

3rd Training Expansion: 15,000 Coins

4th Training Expansion: 45,000 Coins

5th Training Expansion: 100,000 Coins

Updated Coins Reward Structure

Also starting with Game Week 16, we will reintroduce Coin rewards for Classic competitions. Additionally, Managers will receive 100 coins for every Classic competition they participated in from Game Week 1 – 15. Head to the end of this blog post for a detailed breakdown of Coin Rewards for each Classic competition.

This approach empowers Managers to strategically select which Cards receive extra XP without needing to set countless training lineups, saving valuable time. By capping the number of Training teams and providing passive XP boosts to unplayed and unlisted cards, Managers will have greater flexibility in managing their Collections while ensuring that their cards continue to progress and improve. This streamlined process simplifies the training experience, allowing you to focus more on overall strategy and enjoyment of the game.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implemented this Training update. We’re excited about the opportunities these changes bring and look forward to seeing how they positively impact your gameplay.

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