What leagues and matches do you cover for Sorare Football? (What leagues and matches are counted for Sorare scoring?)
Sorare Football covers more than 40 leagues and competitions, meaning that players in these leagues are eligible for scoring if they have Sorare cards.
Coverage is always subject to change, including coverage upgrades and coverage downgrades.
In certain cases, some individual matches may not be covered - e.g. early-stage qualification matches.
For certain knockout tournaments (e.g. quarterfinals to semis, or semis to finals) both teams may not have been confirmed prior to the start of the game week. For example, if the semifinal begins an hour before the close of a Game Week, the teams who play in the final will not have been decided prior to the start of the upcoming Game Week. In this case, the final could be covered despite not having appeared on the Matches tab prior to the start of the Game Week.